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Real People … In their own words… the letter P

Passion, Patient, Persistent, Pertinent, Produce

What is it that you patiently, persistently strive to produce? What is the inner drive that compels you to keep going? It isn’t a travel poster or a slogan on the wall. What do you see as your purpose? Too often, when we embrace external goals, our performance begins declining the moment we win the contest of one sort or another. How often have we witnessed a team win the Super Bowl one year and not even make the playoffs the next?

I love the words of actor Edward James Olmos from a speech he gave to a graduating class. “Please never, ever work for money. Please don’t just get a job. A job is something that many of you had while you worked your way through college. A job is something you do for money. But a career is something you do because you must do it. You want to do it, you love doing it and you are excited when you do it. And, you would do it, even if you were paid nothing beyond food and the basics. You would do it because it is an essential part of you. Chase your passion, not your pension.”

I encourage you to find your passion. Be inspired to learn as much as you can, to know as much as you can, to gain as many skills as you can and to find a cause that benefits mankind. Be oblivious to quitting time and the length of your workday. What can you lose yourself in and be totally happy? My involvement in TOPS has allowed me to live my passion for many years. I am wealthy beyond measure in happiness because of you!

Missed the beginning of our journey through the alphabet? Check out the rest of Getting Back to Basics.

Members, are you following along? If you want to create your own words to enrich your positive self-talk, download Real People … An Alphabet Adventure from the Chapter Contests and Activities in the Members Area of our website.

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